DC schedules Spring Graduate Programs Information Sessions
January 14, 2014
DEFIANCE, Ohio – Special information sessions on Defiance College graduate program offerings are planned for January through April. Persons interested in obtaining a Master of Arts in Education or Master of Business Administration degree are invited to learn more about these distinctive graduate programs, and how they can earn their degree with flexible and convenient course offerings.
Students in the MAE program can choose to concentrate their graduate degree in sport coaching, intervention specialist (mild/moderate) K-12 license, adolescent to young adult 7-12 license, or licensure only programs for life science, life science and chemistry and visual arts.
MBA students can choose to follow a concentration in leadership or sport management.
Special information sessions will be held in the Serrick Campus Center. The schedule includesThursday, Jan. 23, from 5-6 p.m. in Serrick room 120; Tuesday, Feb. 18, from 5-6 p.m. in Serrick room 116;Thursday, March 27, from 5-6 p.m. in Serrick room 120; and Tuesday, April 29, from 5-6 p.m. in Serrick room 116. During these sessions, both MBA and MAE information will be discussed.
To reserve a seat, contact Michelle Call, office coordinator for graduate studies and professional development, at 419-783-2351, or email gradstudies@defiance.edu. Reservations can also be made online athttps://www.defiance.edu/info-sessions.html.
Defiance College, chartered in 1850, is an independent, liberal arts institution in Northwest Ohio offering more than 40 undergraduate programs of study as well as graduate programs in education and business. Defiance College has received national recognition for its educational experience of service and engagement. The college website is www.defiance.edu.