Defiance College professor judging State art exhibition
April 16, 2021

DEFIANCE, Ohio - Beverly Fanning, assistant professor of design at Defiance College, was invited to judge the 2021 Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition. The judging was unique this year by being entirely online. In total, Fanning critiqued 247 regional submissions, a process that took her three days to complete.
"It was an honor to be selected as a judge for the OGYAE," stated Fanning. "It's an opportunity to see the best our state has to offer in terms of artistic ability."
The Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition, now in its 51st year, is dedicated to the educational and artistic advancement of talented young people in the state of Ohio. The exhibition is open to Ohio's 1,112 high schools, both public and private, chartered by the State of Ohio Department of Education. Judges for this level of competition are chosen from all over the country and are generally professional artists, college level instructors, or both.
From the 10,000 regional entries, approximately 2,500 are selected to enter the state judging. State jurors then select 300 for the actual exhibition, with 25 of the 300 chosen to receive the Governor's Award of Excellence.
"What is truly extraordinary is, despite setbacks and challenges students faced surrounding the pandemic, including limited in-person instruction and variable access to supplies, equipment, and studio space, there was no shortage of high quality artistic works. I commend all students and art teachers who contributed works this year to the competition," added Fanning. "I think what we can expect to see at the final exhibit is a prodigious amount of originality brought out by the year's events and circumstances."
The exhibition is tentatively scheduled to begin April 25 and run through May 20 at the James A. Rhodes State Office Tower, across from the State Capitol. The Tower is open weekdays only, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For more information, go to:
At DC, Fanning is also the director of the Defiance Women's Commission Gallery on campus and chair of the art and design department. Learn about art and design at Defiance College:
Chartered in 1850, Defiance College is an independent, liberal arts-based institution in Northwest Ohio offering more than 40 undergraduate programs of study as well as graduate programs in education and business. Defiance College has received national recognition for its educational experience of service and engagement. The College is guided by the four pillars of its mission: To Know, To Understand, To Lead, and To Serve. The College website is