The McMaster Journal
Spring 2006, vol.1

To improve the human condition worldwide: The McMaster School at Defiance College
Gerald E. Wood, President, Defiance College
DC Symposium was inspiring and informative
Jack Palmer, Columnist, Defiance Crescent-News
Extreme Engagement
Catharine O'Connell, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Academic Dean, Defiance College
McMaster in Cambodia: Education and cultural Awareness
Jo Ann Burkhardt, Kenneth Christiansen, Jeffrey Weaner, Dennis Andrejko, Stefan Faerber, Mathew Hahn, Lorraine Smith, Abby Sumpter, Terry (T.J.) Studer
The WATER Project (Water Analysis: Targeting Engagement through Research)
Spiro Mavroidis, Eric Schurter, Sarah Johnson, Brian Putman, Stacy Sattler
School Reform and Related Service/Research Projects in Guatemala
Jo Ann Burkhardt, Diane Kaiser, Jeremy Ball, Stefan Faerber, Regina Keller, Camryn Lehrman, Joy Stoller
Educational and Social Services in Jamaica
Donald Knueve, Wayne (Buck) Buchanan, Jeremy A. Ball, Megan Frazier, Rebecca L. Sanford
Exploring the Irish model and its application to the expanded European Union
Michael J. Gallagher, Rachel Niese, Shannon Liechty