Commencement Ceremonies

The 2024-2025 Commencement Ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 10, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. in the Karl H. Weaner Community Center at 1100 Webster St. Defiance, OH.

There is no limit to the number of guests that a graduate may invite, though keep in mind that seating is limited in the Weaner Center and on a first-come basis.  

  • Limited reserved seating is available for guests who are elderly or disabled.  For guests to be admitted to these reserved sections, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs at or 419-783-2586. 

  • Handicap parking is available for those with a parking placard/license plate in the United Church of Christ parking lot near the south end of the Weaner Center. 

  • The College has engaged the services of a sign language interpreter for those who are deaf or hearing impaired.  The interpreter will be located on the far right of the platform at Commencement.  Please advise anyone needing this assistance of the location of the interpreter and encourage them to sit on the right side facing the platform. 

All campus lots will be open with reserved parking at the United Church of Christ for those with a handicap license plate or hangtag. The campus map will show you available lots. Limited street parking is also available on Webster Street. No parking is permitted in the St. John United Church of Christ lots.

Defiance College will be livestreaming the ceremony through our YouTube Channel,

Defiance College Marketing Office will be taking portraits as each graduate receives their diploma, and cap and gown portraits at the bottom of the stage. Pictures will be online within 72 hours after the ceremony.   

Graduation Announcements and Class Rings
Announcements, specialty diploma frames and class rings are available for purchase from Herff Jones.

Reception and Refreshments
Following the Commencement ceremony, a light reception will be held for graduates and their guests on the east side of the Weaner Center.  

Community Information
Please visit the Defiance Area Chamber of Commerce for extended information regarding the city of Defiance, OH.


CLICK HERE for additional Student Information.


Defiance Hall 106
Phone: 419-783-2586
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Pilgrim Library
Phone: 419-783-2375
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.